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VPO Jerez de la Frontera. Liberty avenue. 

Public tendering process for promotion of subsidized housing. Plot in s/n liberty avenue. Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)

The building that we propose tries to give response to the whole in force regulation, but without losing the basic aim that is worthy housings create simultaneously that to generate an alive, current and functional architecture that enriches his environment.

The generating idea of the design of the building is to obtain the maximum number of housings of two and three bedrooms (215), which possess the best conditions of lighting, ventilation and intimacy (overcoming the demanded surfaces), for it is basic to obtain the exact proportion of front, where the costs and the improvement of the housings find a balance. of here the idea of court rises gallery, with it, the vertical nucleuses of communication diminish to 6 for 215 housings, which supposes also an important reduction of costs. This distribution facilitates in the housings the crossed ventilation, as well as to have natural lighting in all the lifes stays.

The layout of the building in the lot, marks two zones clearly separated from action, a line up block in l in the south and west boundaries, with three vertical nucleuses of communication with accesses by means of distribution galleries, where the housings have lighting and ventilation in both fronts, and where to obtain the privacy that future tenants need, there has separated the gallery from the interior front, making alone bridges of access to the housings, and where in addition for having double front, the principal stays of being and rest they are not necessary to be opened for the above mentioned gallery, but only pieces of service, clothes-line …

And in the north boundary answering to the alignment of the front in curve, one presents a double linear block with interior open court, with three nucleuses of vertical traffic, and distribution gangplanks every 4 or 5 housings for it plants at the maximum.


  • Year:2008

  • Customer: EMUVIJESA

  • Surface:18068 m2

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