Concurso para torre de oficinas Acciona._01 ARI-DS-03 Hytasal. Sevilla.

Concurso para torre de oficinas Acciona._02 ARI-DS-03 Hytasal. Sevilla.

Concurso para torre de oficinas Acciona._11 ARI-DS-03 Hytasal. Sevilla.

Concurso para torre de oficinas Acciona._01 ARI-DS-03 Hytasal. Sevilla.
ACCIONA tower. hytasal
Previous studies for office towers in ARI-DS-03 Hytasal. Seville.
The convenience and opportunity of the execution of the sector is revealed by the exigency of the fulfillment of the conditions and period imposed by the general plan.
As for the conditions of execution of the general systems, which must guarantee the suitable insertion of the sector in the city, at present they are totally executed.
The new plan, it recognizes opportunities for the implementation of new uses and urban functions, joining the zone of general arrangement singular project of the south.
The industrial character of this sector together with his topography, they cause a certain discontinuity in the urban fabric, impeding the transverse connection between two principal routes inside the city, since they are the avenue of the peace, and in minor measure hytasa's avenue.
The aim of the arrangement is to liberate soil by means of the construction in height, so that the free generated spaces turn into elements that give a better quality of life to the urban fabric in its south sector.
The orientation of the building is determined by the regulation of the urban development planning. for what the idea of the project arises in an effort to adapt the morphology to the solar movement obtaining orientations like that separated from his fronts so that they could treat in different ways:
Front south. This one front is one of the most problematic in our latitudes. The adopted solution consists of a double skin of glass that allows us a great glazed surface and simultaneously the overheating solves us thanks to the geometry of the exterior skin and the characteristics of the different elements.
Front north. Unlike the previous one this one front does not enjoy not of very good conference not of soleamiento directly, by what it is designed controlling the hollows to avoid losses, answering this way the design of the build to criteria of sustainability.
O1. Adaptation of the morphology to the solar motion
O2. Elimination of direct solar incidence inclined glass.
O3. Reduced sunlight through photovoltaic panels (hoods) and sunscreen glass.
O4. Control glazing and use of insulation in large opaque areas to reduce heat transfer.
I1. Morphology of building more office space in the south wing, better conditions of comfort.
I2. Introduction of natural light in through the atria placed in front.
I3. Optimization of capture natural lighting facing south.
I4. Items reflective ceiling curtain wall facade and south to greater penetration of natural light.
V1. Ventilation atrium - effect of thermal gradient (ascent hot air).
V2. Cooling atrium with vegetation (transpiration temperature absorption).
V3. Natural cross ventilation day and night (between facades and atrium).
V4. Decreased thermal transfer ventilated facade (double skin).
T1. Hot water supplied by solar collectors.
F1. Capturing solar photovoltaics for grid injection (direct sales of energy).
G1. Excavation of fresh air in summer
Fr1. Thermal Dissipation cooling by groundwater wells
A1. Recycling and recovery systems for irrigation water

Year: 2007
Client: trigger
Surface:20908 m2