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Proyecto para adaptación de edificio para uso hotelero y oficinas. _01 C/ O´Donnell. Sevilla
Proyecto para adaptación de edificio para uso hotelero y oficinas. _02 C/ O´Donnell. Sevilla
Proyecto para adaptación de edificio para uso hotelero y oficinas. _01 C/ O´Donnell. Sevilla
Project alignment between party building for hotel use and street offices Odonell, 10. Seville
It is a building between party is reformed to adapt its use to hotel and offices. Being an irregular plot with front and very little background is attempting to exploit the existing courtyards to allow ventilation and lighting of interior rooms and offices without having to alter the structural system in order to achieve the economic goals scored.
Year: 2009
Customer: Private
Surface:980 m2
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