Calatrava 26-28
Reform project for homes and garages.
C/ Calatrava, 26-28. Seville
The building on which the reform will be carried out is located on an irregular plot, with a façade facing C/ Calatrava. It is a building classified D.
The architectural proposal that this Project represents, starts from the consideration of the architectural and patrimonial values of the building, conserving or rebuilding what is considered relevant, in this case the façade and the first bay that accommodate the access areas.
Regarding the interior layouts, a new plant is proposed to house homes, of adequate dimensions to current standards and conveniently illuminated and ventilated.
The proposal intends to maintain all the elements that are considered characteristic of the typology that it represents, and that despite the reforms that the building has undergone in all these years, are still relevant and define the patio house type.
For technical reasons, the replacement of part of the building is proposed, but the proposal maintains all its significant elements, in its original use, shape and location, but improving its construction and guaranteeing a solid and efficient building for the proposed purpose (building multi-family residential).
An adaptation of the building to the current way of life is irremediable, without for this reason the architecture is not capable of maintaining the most significant concepts of the original building.
Residential building proposed with homes with no more than two bedrooms, with access from the interior distribution gallery, with two clear open common spaces

Promoter:CALATRAVA 26,28 CB
Collaborating architects:-Damián Martín Walls and Antonio Ponce García.
Surface:3,757.17 m2