Reforma de vivienda unifamiliar, estudio profesional y garaje._01 Plaza Pozo Santo, 2. Sevilla

Reforma de vivienda unifamiliar, estudio profesional y garaje._02 Plaza Pozo Santo, 2. Sevilla

Reforma de vivienda unifamiliar, estudio profesional y garaje._03 Plaza Pozo Santo, 2. Sevilla

Reforma de vivienda unifamiliar, estudio profesional y garaje._01 Plaza Pozo Santo, 2. Sevilla
Pozo Santo
Building remodelling for a house, a professional study and a garage, 2 Pozo Santo, sq. Seville
The building has a trapezoidal shape, with facades on Pozo Santo Square (the smaller one) and the other two over Lepanto Street and over Amparo Street, with gable roof at the back of the plot of land on the second roof.
The buildings architectonic and patrimony values are taken into consideration, maintaining the buildings façade as well as its structural lines, and remodeling completely the inside. A change of use of the building is proposed, planning a house building with professional study, garage and dwelling. Besides t he current stairs is as well moved to another location since it presents a form no functional and uneven, and also because of its deficient location. It does not offer any interesting element to the future remodeling.
On the Ground Floor are located a garage, with access from Amparo Street, and the access to the dwelling and the professional study, that faces the Pozo Santo Square, through an entrance-hall that divide the accesses of the study and the dwelling.
The professional study occupies the ground floor and a major part of the first floor. On the ground floor there is a working area open plan, with access to the first floor through an independent stairs. The first floor is divided in two main areas: an access space with two working areas and another private area for an office and a meeting room where the bathroom is located.
The dwelling is structured on the first, second, third and penthouse floors:
• On the first floor a guest bedroom with bathroom located over the garage access
• On the second floor 4 bedrooms, two bathrooms and the main living-dinning room.
• On the penthouse floor, a kitchen, a living room, both open to the terrace, divided in two: a minor piece of service faces the kitchen and other with bigger size for recreational use. The water tank divides the communication between both areas to provide privacy to each one.

Year: 1999
Client: Román y Canivell
Construction company: Dolmen obras y servicios, S.L.
Surface: 410 m2