Miguel Cid
Reform project for two dwellings.
71 Miguel Cid street. Sevilla
The building we are reforming is from the XVIII century and it is located on a rectangular plot with a 8.71 m façade on Miguel Cid street.
Our proposal comes from the consideration of the architectural and patrimonial values of the construction, keeping what we consider relevant, in this case almost all of the structural scheme, staircase, façade and location and shape of the courtyard.
Regarding the inside distribution, we suggest a change on the inside partitioning and the location of the rooms, but maintaining the main use as a multi-family dwelling with one dweling in each floor, so the changes are not major.
We also propose keeping the staircase totally, the location, shape and the expansion, modifying the steps structure on the ground floor and replacing it on the first floor (as it is made from wood and can´t be maintained).
The modifications we suggest are, placing a glass cover on the courtyard which will allow a better lighting and ventilation and protection to the closings against humidity.

Year: 2003
Client: D.G.D. S.L.
Construction Company: -----
Surface: 141,59 m2