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Harinas 4, Sevilla

Reform project for a 2 dwellings building with a commercial premise

4 Harinas street, Sevilla

The building is located on two plots which belong to the same owner, number 2 and number 4 in Harinas street. Combining both of the plots promotes the developing of this project with a larger number of  dwellings. 

In this reform project we are keeping what we think is relevant from the original building, which in this case is only the façade, as the interior was so damaged and didn´t adapt to what a multi-family building needs. 

Therefore, we are modifying the location of the stairs core including an elevator and easing the access to each one of the dwellings. The distribution of the interior also changes a bit, we are changing the space in terms of dimension and location inside the dwellings, avoiding small humid cores and transit rooms. 

We are making clear spacing between the dwelling´s day and night areas, the day areas are oriented to the façade and the night areas are oriented to the courtyard.



  • Year: 2000

  • Client: CASA MARQUEZ S.A.

  • Construction company: -----

  • Surface:   403,08 m2

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