Partial Urban Development Plan of Sector SU-S4 in Gelves, Seville
The General Urban Development Plan of the municipality of Gelves has been definite approved in 2005.
In said document it is demarcated 236,840 m 2 of land located at the south of the urban area between the SE-660 road and the Camino de San Francisco, under the denomination SU-S4, inserting itself in the Segmentation Development Area, programming its execution during the first four-year period.
The road network follows the guidelines established by the General Plan. On the other hand, a road is planned on the south margin segment, extension of the road to Palomares, following the PGOU (General Urban Development Plan), this way the roads giving access to the segment are structured. It is included a main road that covers the segment from north to south dividing the segment and connecting it with the north area already strengthen by Los Rasos Street.
As it is included in the Development Plans, the buildings are essentially arranged and in a homogeneous way, on both sides of the main road north-south.
To adapt to the guidelines settled by the PGOU (General Urban Development Plan), it will be applied the house ordinance in rows in the residential blocks located on said central area. The occupancy of these blocks will allow the arrangement in them of common vacant areas.
The vacant areas, owned by the local green area system and children recreational areas, are arranged following the guidelines settled by the current PGOU (General Urban Development Plan). These areas are located on the oriental side and the rest on the occidental side connected with Coria Highway.
The proposed facilities are located on the segment north area with the purpose of providing a service closer to the urban areas established on the north.
Year: 2005
Client: Udinsa