Reforma de edificio para 22 viviendas. _01 Antiguo corral de vecinos. C/Pagés del Corro, 11-13. Sevilla

Reforma de edificio para 22 viviendas. _02 Antiguo corral de vecinos. C/Pagés del Corro, 11-13. Sevilla

Reforma de edificio para 22 viviendas. _08 Antiguo corral de vecinos. C/Pagés del Corro, 11-13. Sevilla

Reforma de edificio para 22 viviendas. _01 Antiguo corral de vecinos. C/Pagés del Corro, 11-13. Sevilla
Corral del Cura
Building remodelling between party walls for 22 dwellings in the Corral del Cura typical tenement Sevillian house on 11-13 Pages del Corro st, Seville
The building is protected with partial protection degree 1 “C”. The intervention proposed consists of the remodelling of the current building, maintaining the facade, the two built areas and the stairs, and new construction on the old tenement, maintaining the old lines, the free areas and the dwellings structure.
In its native structure, the building presents two parts clearly different: the main house, with three floors, and the tenement which is structured inside the plot of land, with one floor height except from the central area where it is placed the stairs that provide access to the second floor with only 6 pieces of unspecific purpose.
The stairs placement is maintained, as well as the main facade and the general windows structure. With regard to the inside tenement the existing lines are preserved. The building presents two different parts: the main house and the tenement.
With regard to the first one, it is accomplished a remodelling of the existing elements, maintaining the facade, the stairs and the common areas. Merely an alteration of the inside structure is performed, given that two studio apartments are to be placed on the ground floor, and two two-bedroom dwelling between first floor and penthouse floor.
With regard to the tenement, it presents three parts: the first patio, the second patio and the third patio.
Inside the first patio 4 dwellings are located with this structure: living-dinning room, open kitchen, bathroom, master bedroom and mezzanine loft.
The second patio includes four dwelling, two on the ground floor and two on the first floor with living dinning room, open kitchen, bathroom and master room.
Finally, the third patio features two faces in two floors height with the same structure; on the right side dwelling without mezzanine and in the left side with mezzanine loft. The back of the building is also built, in two floors with four study apartments with one room, two studies on the ground floor and two on the first floor.
Therefore there are 22 dwellings: apartment studies and one-bedroom houses.

Year: 2001
Client: Gerencia Municipal de Urbanismo de Sevilla
Construction company: Conspeype y Cogari
Surface: 1359 m2