Reforma y ampliación en nave industrial._01 C/ Roberto Osborne, 13 P.I. Carretera Amarilla. Parcela 147. Sevilla

Reforma y ampliación en nave industrial._02 C/ Roberto Osborne, 13 P.I. Carretera Amarilla. Parcela 147. Sevilla

Reforma y ampliación en nave industrial._04 C/ Roberto Osborne, 13 P.I. Carretera Amarilla. Parcela 147. Sevilla

Reforma y ampliación en nave industrial._01 C/ Roberto Osborne, 13 P.I. Carretera Amarilla. Parcela 147. Sevilla
Carretera amarilla
Project for industrial build for offices, commercial premises and warehouses on 13 Roberto Osborne street. “Carretera amarilla” Industrial Estate. Plot 147. Seville
The architectural offer that represents the present project, tries to generate a building that is recognized in the environment and defines it.
The principal use of the industrial ship that is tried to remodel, is of store in his back and commercial part in front. fall and offices in pt. discharge, in the head-board of the already existing building.
The general uses do not modify already exitents, though if his distribution of surfaces, since for the increase of area that allows the new general plan 2004 (but that is not opposed to the PGOU 87), proposes to increase the surface destined for the uses of the head-board of the building to the detriment of i use of store in the back zone, which will meet diminished.
For the condition in which one finds the building in question, a deep enough intervention is needed. this way we choose to realize a reform that it includes besides the reinforcement in chapters of foundation and structure, a change of exterior image, which could give content and answer to the company that it is going to shelter.
On the other hand, it is important to answer to the in force regulation, in several important aspects:
-Architectural barriers protection
-Against fires
-Municipal ordinances
All these questions have been born in mind to create a comfortable, sure, effective and respectful set with the environment.

Year: 2004
Client: Casa Márquez