Anteproyecto para obras de reforma para residencia de personas mayores._01 C/ Bustos Tavera, 11. Sevilla

Anteproyecto para obras de reforma para residencia de personas mayores._02 C/ Bustos Tavera, 11. Sevilla

Anteproyecto para obras de reforma para residencia de personas mayores._01 C/ Bustos Tavera, 11. Sevilla
Apolo 1
Preliminary design for works of building reform between party wall for elders' residence in 11 Bustos Tavera st. Seville
After various studies on the existing building, property proposing kindly saw it as a residence for elderly people, as demand in this area is very short to medium term (as shown in the map of resources equal Concierge and Welfare of the Junta de Andalucía), however as a cultural area, it seems too good location because of the scarcity of parking in the environment, and by the lack of emergency exit for the stage area, (formerly had it since the orchestra had rented a room attached with direct access to Calle Gerona). That is why it was impossible to keep intact the main hall, as well as the architecture that offers low interest (as shown in the pictures attached) has been chosen to maintain a memory of its volume and location.
The architectural proposal that represents the current project, part of the consideration of the formal requirements of the building, its fit on the site, as well as the conditions of the proposed use are also many.
We try to keep in the proposal, the memory of the size of the room itself, housing in this volume, the main routes of communication, main courtyard collection of light and air, and bedroom pieces, responding to an item in series and repetitive. With this we can keep the volumes of the piece, whose height is recognized in the openings of the courdtyard and its rectangular shape.
For the rest of the built environment, are getting the services adjacent to the main use, and are adapting the complex joint ownership of the site. The main courtyard, breaks up into smaller pieces to get light and ventilation to all rooms that require them.
For lack of open space on ground floor, (and although it had not be sunny) we propose the use of the roof as a terrace garden for the use and enjoyment of users of the residence.
As for the proposed basement, take advantage of the existing slope goes both access roads, we can make a basement with little excavation, thereby facilitating the normal use of loading and unloading of the residence that otherwise would be unthinkable, in the area where it is located.

Year: 2007
Client: Privado
Surface: 3430 m2